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My research of “Making a fond memory stick” project is led by the experiences of my participants. Their individual reasons for joining the Fb group may vary from sharing memories (Suzanne), to be reminded of places and events that they have forgotten about (Ariel), to get in contact with people whom they have lost touch with or to see their neighbourhood of the past (Raul). But interestingly this Fb page has lived up to their expectations by evoking a feeling of belonging by virtue of connecting with past friends and neighbours, and reliving fond memories of youth and childhood. This Fb page resonates with the context of neighbourhood as my participants’ perception of the word “neighbourhood” as “Community spirit, common interest” (according to Raul) or as “locality and community” (Mick) or even “people living close by” (Suzanne). As Mick says, “The Growing up in East London internet group has had the effect of rebuilding the community of the first 25 years or so of Post War life as a 'virtual' entity.”

Though the members of the group are geographically in different locations, but they come together on this Fb page. If neighbourhood is generally defined spatially as a specific geographic area and functionally as a set of social networks, then this Fb page of “Growing up in East London” is the spatial unit and their discussions, comments and photos are the social networks. Likewise if neighbourhood is a geographically localised community then this Fb page is a localised community. If neighbourhood is a collective of people and places, then this Fb page is a collective of individual memories (memories of people and places) of the group members. 


So this Fb page is an ever growing, lively neighbourhood, that is making and remaking itself on a continuous basis. It not just fulfils their (Fb group members) expectations from a neighbourhood view point, but has transcended the geographic limitations of a neighbourhood. As Mick says, “Members come from all over the world yet we come together online with shared experiences of past communities and the group even facilitates a renewal of acquaintances. The end product, therefore, is to effectively develop a whole new community and neighbourhood.”

Conclusion: Conclusion


McKay,D. 2010. “On the Face of Facebook: Historical Images and Personhood in Filipino Social Networking”. In History and Anthropology, 21(4): 479-498. 

Were, G. 2013. “Imaging Digital Lives”. In Journal of Material Culture, 18(3): 213 –222

Conclusion: Citations

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